Interesting blogs, stories and experiences by our development workers.

Progressio development workers are experienced and professionally qualified specialists who offer skills, expertise and knowledge that is not available locally. The key role of our development workers is to transfer their skills and knowledge to our partner organisations. Together with the partner organisations, they work alongside local people, supporting them to find solutions to the problems they face.

Experiencia Personal: Mariana Barrenese

Cooperante Mariana Barrenese y las mujeres de la Coalición que se formó para la campaña de lucha por más presupuesto para educación. Mariana está sentada en el piso al lado izquierda de la foto.

Mariana Barrenese es una cooperante argentina, actualmente trabajando como Asesora en Políticas Fiscales con el Centro de Estudios Sociales Padre Juan Montalvo SJ, en Santo Domingo, República Dominicana.

Personal Experience: Viola Kuhaisa Muhangi

Viola was a development worker from Uganda who wrote this as she was near the end of her two-year placement in Malawi as a Capacity Building and Advocacy Specialist with the Civil Society Coalition for Quality Basic Education (CSCQBE). She is now doing a new placement in Somaliland.

Personal Experience: Leticia Carrillo

Leticia  is a development worker from El Salvador. She has recently finished her placement as a HIV and AIDS Adviser and Strategy Specialist (awareness-raising, prevention and training for young people) at the Centro de Apoyo y Consejería en VIH/SIDA (HIV and AIDS Centre for Advice and Support), in Vinces, Los Ríos, Ecuador.

What is your work background?

I studied Plastic Arts but my humanistic upbringing took over and lead me to work for non-governmental organisations, those that as a  cultural approach ran projects for young people.

Personal Experience: Bolivar Sanchez López

Bolivar  is a development worker from Guatemala, currently working as a Specialist in Municipal Development with the muncipalities of Jimaní, Postrer Rio and La Descubierta, in the Dominican Republic.

What is your work background?

I used to work in civil society capacity building in Guatemala. Before starting work as a development worker for Progressio I also completed an International Masters in Public Policy, Territorial Development, Governance and Integration Processes (in Italy and Spain).

Personal Experience: Ainara Arregui García

Ainara is a psychosocial specialist currently working with CISAS (the Centre for Health Information and Services) in Managua, Nicaragua.

How would you describe yourself?

I am a communicator – I love meeting and talking to different people in order to continue to learn about my surroundings  through contact with people.

What has made the biggest impact on you?

I am struck by the work ethic of people with HIV. Promoting organisations set up by those affected by HIV and working to strengthen this fighting spirit so that they can improve their own situation.
