From the guide: Reflecting on globalisation, the Pope finds an important truth: humanity really is a single family of peoples. Each of us is not an insignificant and ephemeral fact, a ‘stranger’ in a random universe. 

Rather than being the victim of globalisation, we should champion a new version, one which is person-based, community-oriented, open to God and marked by solidarity.

For Pope Benedict, solidarity is first and foremost a sense of responsibility on the part of everyone with regard to everyone. In our integrated global economy, solidarity with developing countries leads to development.

The duty to act in solidarity means we must also work for justice for future generations, which includes our responsibility to the environment; future generations must find an earth they can live from.

Questions: How do you respond to the idea of true globalisation? How might we become its champions? How can we fulfil our duty of solidarity in our everyday lives?

Share your thoughts: Use the comment button to leave your thoughts about globalisation, solidarity and how you are minded to respond.

Photo: Revolution! A demonstration in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, protesting against human rights abuses perpetrated since the military coup in June 2009. Despite elections held six months after the coup, repression against social activists continues and Honduran society remains divided and polarised. Nuria Zayas/Progressio

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