The Live Below the Line challenge has been a huge success! Progressio supporters have raised almost £10,000. It's been a journey. One that has reminded us, once again, of why extreme poverty must end. Here's some highlights from the Live Below the Line blogs:
"Living Below the Line has, yet again, reminded me that my ability to worry about the decisions I've made is actually a luxury." Rebecca France
"I keep thinking how glad I am that my children don't have to do this. I am sure that I would be under even more prressure to cut down to give them more." Danny McKillop
"I couldn't get my head around the fact that this is something that people live through day in, day out. Their five days is never up. Their challenge is real and it's a daily battle - one that is often lost." Katy Coats
"I have been tired, ratty, grumpy and snappy. Not good for your first week at a new job. This has been a real eye-opener. £5 really is not enough to function successfully." Olivia Grimshaw
"I really feel that from now on I'm going to see food in a completely different way, in a more humble and simple way." Elana Edwards
"For anyone that is considering doing the challenge, I would say do it. It's a huge reality check. But be warned, it is tough." Danni Riley
Sarah O'Gorman made her debut on BuzzFeed explaining the 21 things she learnt living below the line.
Dexter Barnes got his ingredients mixed up, ate some pretty gruelling breakfasts and made videos to pass the time. Watch his video of the best and worst moments of his challenge here.
...Meanwhile, Below the Line in the Progressio London office, Catherine Orchard never before in her life cared so much about half a tin of baked beans than when the microwave trapped them in her tupperware!
This great work will help to fund our Development Workers helping poor and marginalised people around the world achieve food security. One of these Development Workers, Bernardo in the Dominican Republic, recently told us, "We finished with the monitoring process of 85 small family gardens, which enabled families to introduce new products into their diet and improved their access to food. The families increased considerably their awareness and knowledge on agricultural diversification and its importance for family resources as well as the sustainable management of natural resources."
Until next year!