Interesting blogs, stories and experiences by our development workers.
Progressio development workers are experienced and professionally qualified specialists who offer skills, expertise and knowledge that is not available locally. The key role of our development workers is to transfer their skills and knowledge to our partner organisations. Together with the partner organisations, they work alongside local people, supporting them to find solutions to the problems they face.

1 October 2010
Solange es una cooperante chilena, actualmente trabajando como Especialista en Desarrollo Económico...
1 October 2010
Astalo es un cooperante mexicano, actualmente trabajando como Especialista en Género y...
29 September 2010
Alex es un cooperante hondureño, actualmente trabajando como Especialista en Cogestión y Manejo de...
15 June 2010
Andrea es una cooperante española, actualmente trabajando como Especialista en comunicación para el...
