Want a deeper insight into what an ICS placement looks like? Read the amazing blogs written by our past and present volunteers. Enjoy the journey!

27 November 2015
For International World AIDS Day on 1 December, our ICS volunteers in Zimbabwe have conducted four...
24 November 2015
Having grown up, studied, lived and worked in the UK, Ireland and the US, I have always been aware...
20 November 2015
Oh toilets, you get rid of our waste so quickly, so efficiently and never with complaint or...
19 November 2015
Pooing. Never a subject many are eager to discuss, but here at Team DOMCCP, we love faecal...
9 November 2015
I have always known this statement to be true but never with the magnitude that l have witnessed at...
7 November 2015
Hey people, we’re back! We have now met the farmers in Dora at Kentucky Farm and they are awesome;...
